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IV therapy is a great way to get a high dose of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants directly into the bloodstream. This allows the nutrients to be rapidly infused into the circulation, thus delivering directly into the cellular space without the need to travel through the digestive tract.

IV therapy also provides higher therapeutic doses when compared to oral supplementation. This method is often life-changing for patients who have digestive issues such as Crohn’s, IBS or ulcerative colitis. IV nutrient therapy is a successful form of treatment for a wide variety of health conditions, especially ones that are associated with leaky gut, food sensitivities, poor immunity or inflammation.

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Our Facility Offers Multiple Types of IV Infusion Therapies


When you come in for an appointment at Anti-Aging & Regenerative Associates, one of our staff members will give you a consultation and have you fill out a questionnaire to determine what treatment options suit your needs.

If you are coming in for an IV infusion therapy treatment in Port Orange, Florida, we can discuss which IV infusion package you should receive. Below is a list of customized IV Infusion therapy packages available at our anti-aging and regenerative medicine clinic:

  • Antioxidants 

  • NAD

  • Energy & Rejuvenation

  • Lipotropic

  • Vitamins & Minerals 

  • Chelation 

One thing you should also note is that, depending on the severity of your health condition, you may require multiple sessions as part of your treatment plan. Typically, people do not start seeing changes in their health until at least four to six sessions.

Before you begin any treatment, we will discuss how long your therapy should be and what changes you should expect over time. If you require additional treatments, we will also explain the methodology behind your treatment plan and how we intend to target your health issues.

IV Infusion Therapy is a Non-invasive Treatment Method for Many Health Conditions


Part of the appeal behind IV infusion therapy is that it does not require surgery or extensive medical procedures. In fact, all that is really involved is a slight prick into the patient’s vein and some patience.

IV infusion therapy is often used as a treatment method for people who do not absorb oral medicine or vitamin supplements well or who have conditions that would benefit from direct dosages. For example, people with Crohn’s disease and other gastrointestinal conditions may not absorb sufficient nutrients in their intestines. By IV infusion, they can receive the nutrients they need directly into their blood circulation.

Patients visit us in Port Orange, FL for IV Therapy with a wide variety of conditions:

  • Depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders

  • Low energy

  • Cancer treatment and prevention

  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Asthma

  • Chronic viral conditions

  • Chronic allergies

  • Athletic Performance and related injuries

Some people use IV infusion therapy as a way to boost their immune systems. If you have allergies or asthma, our facility can prescribe an IV infusion package that may treat these conditions.

Dr. Jason Schottel provides patients of Central Florida with IV nutritional therapy, each treatment plan is customized to meet the individual patient goals.  The response to IV infusion varies. Most patients require several treatments; the amount required depends on the medication and protocol being used. Some people respond immediately, but most will not feel the true benefit until several treatments have been administered.

The following is a list of all the treatment services we offer at Anti-Aging & Regenerative Associates:

  • Chiropractic medicine

  • Focal Shock Wave Therapy

  • Neuro-musculoskeletal optimization

  • Posture optimization

  • Joint mobilization

  • Joint manipulation

  • Physiotherapy

  • Therapeutic ultrasound

  • Taping, cupping, and Graston Technique

  • Pain management

  • Internal medicine

  • Female hormone dysregulation

  • Facial aesthetics

  • General wellness

  • Non-surgical facial rejuvenation

  • Stem Cells

  • Anti-aging for men and women

  • Hormone replacement therapy

  • Andropause therapy

  • Perimenopause and menopause therapy

  • Thyroid disorder treatment

  • Disease prevention

Before you receive any treatment, we will perform a physical exam and bloodwork to confirm the treatment option you’re interested in is suitable for you or if you should use a different treatment method for your symptoms.

Our Facility Also Offers Other Anti-Aging and Regenerative Treatments

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Image by christian buehner

After open heart surgery in 2020 I decided to seek out a new doctor who was knowledgeable and could help me monitor all my risk factors. moving forward.
Dr Schortel is absolutely the most knowledgeable doctor I have ever met and gives me advise on supplements I need to avoid issues and keep my blood work where it needs to be. The regular blood tests he orders are the most extensive I have ever had and he tests for more than just the regular things that other doctors do. I am very happy with the service and patient care and would highly recommend anti aging and regenerative associates to anyone serious about their health

Jane Harrison
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